
Module: builtins

nobind_member/2 — tests list membership without binding any variables
flatten/2 — flattens a nested list
n_of/3 — creates a list of N copies of an item
is_length/2 — invertible length predicate
number_list/2 — creates a numbered list from a source list
number_list/3 — numbers the elements of a list
encode_list/3 — encodes the elements of a list with provided codes
struct_lookup_subst/4 — performs substs for structs package constructors
check_default/4 — looks up an equation on a list, with a default
check_default_del/5 — looks up a tagged equation on a List, and deletes it
remove_tagged/3 — removes tagged equations from a list
merge_plists/3 — recursively merges two tagged equation lists
merge_tagged_lists/3 — recursively merges two tagged equation lists
mangle_change_tagged/3 — destructively changes the value of a tagged eqn
subst_tagged/4 — NON-destructively changes the value of a tagged eqn
merge_in_list/3 — merges two list together
insert_item_in_list/3 — interleaves an arbitrary term between elements of a list
insert_spaces/2 — interleaves a quoted blank between elements of a list


nobind_member(X, List)

flatten(List, FlatList)

n_of(N, Item, Result)

is_length(List, N)

number_list(List, NumberedList)

number_list(Items, StartNum, NumberedItems)

encode_list(Items, Codes, CodedItems)

struct_lookup_subst(OrderedTags, DefArgs, ArgSpecs, ArgsList)

check_default(PList, Tag, Default, Value)


remove_tagged(EqnList, TagsToRemove, ReducedEqnList)

merge_plists(LeftEqnList, RightEqnList, MergedLists)

merge_tagged_lists(LeftEqnList, RightEqnList, MergedLists)



merge_in_list(Left, Right, Result)

insert_item_in_list(In_List, Item, Out_List)

insert_spaces(In_List, Out_List)


nobind_member/2 Logically, nobind_member(X, List) holds and only if X is a member of List; if the test is successful, no variables in either input are bound.

flatten/2 If List is a list, some of whose elements may be nested lists, FlatList is the flattened version of List obtained by traversing the tree defining List in depth-first, left-to-right order; compound structures other than list structures are not flattened.

n_of/3 Result is a list of length N all of whose elements are the entity Item.

is_length/2 List is of length N - works in both directions in the sense that either List or N can be uninstantiated with the other variable of correct type, and is_length(List, N) will succeed.

number_list/2 If List is a list, NumberedList is a list of terms of the form N-Item, where the Item components are simply the elements of List in order, and N is a integer, sequentially numbering the elements of List, beginning with 1.

number_list/3 If Items is a list, and StartNum is an integer, NumberedItems is the list obtained by replacing each element X in Items by N-X, where N is the number of the position of X in Items; i.e., the list is numbered beginning with StartNum.

encode_list/3 If Items is a list, and Codes is a list of atoms with length(Items) = length(Codes), then CodedItems is the list obtained by replacing each element X in Items by C-X, where C is the element of Codes in the position of X in Items.

struct_lookup_subst/4 OrderedTags and DefArgs are lists of the same length. The output ArgsList will be the same length as OrderedTags. ArgSpecs is a list of equations of the form
Tag = Value
where each of the Tags in such an equation must be on the list OrderedTags (but not all OrderedTags elements must occur on ArgSpecs); in fact, ArgSpecs can be empty. The elements X of ArgsList are defined as follows: if X corresponds to Tag on OrderedTags, then:
if Tag=Val occurs on ArgSpecs, X is Val;
otherwise, X is the element of DefArgs corresponding to Tag.

check_default/4 PList is a list of equations of the form
tag = value
check_default(PList, Tag, Default, Value) succeeds if:
i) Tag=Value belongs to PList; or,
ii) if Default is of the form Value^DC and call(DC) succeeds, or
iii) if Default=Value
iv) in cases ii,iii) it is assumed that there is at most one equation on PList with left side Tag

check_default_del/5 PList is a list of equations of the form
tag = value
check_default_del(PList, Tag, Default, Value,ReducedPList) succeeds if:
i) Tag=Value does not belong to PList; or,
ii) Tag=Value belongs to PList, and the difference between PList and ReducedPList is the removal of the Tag=Value equation.
iii) it is assumed that there is at most one equation on PList with left side Tag

remove_tagged/3 EqnList is a list of equations of the form
tag = value
and TagsToRemove is a list of atoms which are candidates to occur as tags in these equations. ReducedEqnList is the result of removing all equations beginning with a tag from TagsToRemove from the list EqnList.

merge_plists/3 LeftEqnList and RightEqnList are lists of equations of the form
tag = value
MergedLists consists of all equations occurring in either LeftEqnList or RightEqnList, where if the equations
Tag=LVal and Tag = RVal
occur in LeftEqnList and RightEqnList, respectively, MergedLists will contain the equation
Tag = MVal
a) If both of LVal and RVal are lists, then MVal is obtained by recursively calling merge_plists(LVal, RVal, MVal), or if that fails, checking that they are identical;
b) Otherwise, MVal is LVal.

merge_tagged_lists/3 LeftEqnList and RightEqnList are lists of equations of the form
tag = value
MergedLists consists of all equations occurring in either LeftEqnList or RightEqnList, where if the equations
Tag=LVal and Tag = RVal
occur in LeftEqnList and RightEqnList, respectively, MergedLists will contain the equation
Tag = LVal

mangle_change_tagged/3 If Plist is a list of tagged equations, Tag is a tag, and NewValue is an arbitrary prolog term, then:
i) If an equation Tag=OldVal occurs on PList, destructively alters that eqn to become Tag=NewValue;
ii) Has no effect otherwise.

subst_tagged/4 If Plist is a list of tagged equations, Tag is a tag, and NewValue is an arbitrary prolog term, then:
i) If an equation Tag=OldVal occurs on PList, then NewPList is the result of altering that eqn to become Tag=NewValue;
ii) Otherwise, NewPList = OldPList.

merge_in_list/3 If Left and Right are lists, list Result consists of those elements of Left (in order, with duplicates preserved) which do not occur on Right, followed by list Right.

insert_item_in_list/3 If In_List is a list of arbitrary terms, and Item is a term, then Out_List is that list obtained from In_List by interleaving Item between each pair of items of In_List.

insert_spaces/2 If In_List is a list of arbitrary terms, then Out_List is that list obtained from In_List by interleaving ‘ ‘ between each pair of items of In_List.