
Module: builtins

catenate/2 — catenates a list of atoms
catenate/3 — catenates two atoms, or an atom and number, to produce a third atom
trim_atoms/3 — truncates a list of atoms
cat_together_seplines/2 — convert list of atoms to single atom with eoln separating atom entries
cat_together_spaced/2 — convert list of atoms to single atom with space separating atom entries
prefix_to/3 — catenate Atom to the front of each element on a List of atoms
prefix_dir/3 — prefix Dir to each (atomic) item on List
strip_prefix/3 — strip a fixed-length prefix from a list of atoms


catenate(Atom1, Item2, Atom3)

catenate(ListOfAtoms, Result)


cat_together_seplines(List, Result)

cat_together_spaced(List, Result)

prefix_to(List, Atom, XList)

prefix_dir(List, Dir, XList)

strip_prefix(List, Prefix, Result)


catenate/3 If Atom1 is an atom, and Item2 is an atom or an integer, then Atom3 is that atom whose characters consist of those of Atom1 followed by those of Item2.

catenate/2 If ListOfAtoms is a list of atoms, then Result is that atom whose characters consist of the characters of the atoms on ListOfAtoms, in order.

trim_atoms/3 If InAtoms is a list of atoms and Sizes is a list of integers (of the same length as list InAtoms), then OutNames is a list of atoms whose nth element is the truncation of the nth element of InAtoms to be at most length K, where K is the nth element of Sizes.

cat_together_seplines/2 If List is a list of atoms, then Result is obtained by interspersing end-of-line character(s) [\n for Linux,MacOS and \r\n for Windows] between each pair of atoms, and concatentating the result to obtain a single atom.

cat_together_spaced/2 If List is a list of atoms, then Result is obtained by interspersing a blank space between each pair of atoms, and concatentating the result to obtain a single atom.

prefix_to/3 If List is a list of atoms, and Atom is also an atom, then XList will be that list made up by concatenating Atom to the beginning of every atom on List.

prefix_dir/3 If List is a list of atoms representing file names, and if Dir is an atom representing a path in the filesystem, then XList is that list obtained from list by combining Dir successively with each element of List to create a path terminating in that List element.

strip_prefix/3 List is a list of atoms, NN is an natural number (the length of the prefix to strip), and Result is that list of atoms which is obtained by obtained by removing the initial NN characters of each element of List.



?- catenate(abc, def, X).
?- catenate(abc, 49, X).


?- catenate([abc, def, ghty], Result).
Result == abcdefghty


?- InAtoms = ['Abcd', gh768, bkdjfng, fr4], Sizes = [2,3,4,5],
   trim_atoms(InAtoms, Sizes, Results).
% note that the truncation of gh768 is an atom:
Results == [cd,'68',fng,'']


?- List = [a,b,c,d], als_system(SystemList),
   dmember(os = OS, SystemList), dmember(os_variation = OSVar, SystemList),
   ((OS = mswin32 ; OSVar = cygwin32) ->
        TgtResult = 'a\r\nb\r\nc\r\nd\r'
        TgtResult = 'a\nb\nc\nd\n'
   cat_together_seplines(List, Result).
Result == TgtResult


?- List = [a,b,c,d], cat_together_spaced(List, Result).
Result == 'a b c d '


?- List = [a1,b2,c3], Atom = 'Zip_',
   prefix_to(List, Atom, XList).
XList == ['Zip_a1','Zip_b2','Zip_c3']


?- List = [foo, file3, bar], Dir = zipper,
   prefix_dir(List, Dir, XList).
XList == ['zipper/foo','zipper/file3','zipper/bar']


?- List = [abcd, foobar, pop, f, zeroes], NN = 3,
   strip_prefix(List, NN, Result).
Result == [d,bar,'','',oes]