
Module: builtins

$procinfo/5 — retrieves information about the given procedure
$nextproc/3 — retrieves the next procedure in the name table
$exported_proc/3 — checks whether the given procedure is exported
$resolve_module/4 — finds the module which exports the given procedure





'$resolve_module'(Mod, Pred, Arity, ResMod)


If N is instantiated to a valid name_table index, the entry in that name_table slot is retrieved and decomposed, and the elements are unified with M,P,A,DBRef,ProcType as follows:
M: the module of the entry
P: the name of the predicate
A: the arity of the predicate
DBRef: a representation of the database index of the first clause for the predicate (or 0, if none)
ProcType: a small integer representing the type of the predicate, according to the table below.

Otherwise, if N is not instantiated, at least M, P, and A must be instantiated to valid values. The name_table index(N) and the database reference (DBRef) are obtained from this information and these values are unified with N, DBRef.

The integer values coding the procedure types (ProcType) are:

Procedure Type Code
Prolog-defined 0
Builtin (C or other foreign language) 1
Imported (from another module) 2
Undefined (entry exists, but no clauses entered) 3
LibBreak (like Undefined, but dynamically loads a library predicate) 4
Unknown -1

The principal use of Undefined is for indicating module_closure entries in all modules other than the actual defining module of the predicate. A LibBreak entry contains information on how to dynamically load a library predicate M:P/A. After loading, that nametable entry will look just like any other Prolog-defined nametable entry.

If N is instantiated to a valid name_table index, and if F is instantiated to a valid procedure type code as given in the table above, then '$nextproc'(N,F,NN) will succeed if and only if there is a nametable entry index KK > N containing a procedure entry of type F, and NN is the first such index.

succeeds if and only if Module is instantiated to an existing module, Pred/Arity is a predicate defined in Module, and Pred/Arity is exported from Module.

'$resolve_module'(Mod, Pred, Arity, ResMod) If Pred/Arity is called(used) in module Mod, but is not defined in Mod, but instead is defined in some other module, then '$resolve_module'(Mod, Pred, Arity, ResMod) succeeds if and only if ResMod is a module containing a definition of Pred/Arity, Pred/Arity is exported from ResMod, and ResMod is on the uselist of Mod. Note that if Pred/Arity is defined in Mod, then '$resolve_module'(Mod, Pred, Arity, ResMod) will succeed with ResMod = Mod.


?- '$procinfo'(N, builtins, nl, 0, DBR, PT).



?- N=13956, '$procinfo'(N, M, P, A, DBR, PT).



Load this code:

p :- N=3, pt(N).

pt(N) :- ns(N,NN), pt(NN).

ns(N,NN) :-
        printf('N=%t NN=%t M=%t P=%t A=%t PT=%t\n', [N,NN,M,P,A,ProcType]).
?- p.  
N=3 NN=4 M=builtins P=dbg_spy A=3 PT=1  
N=4 NN=27 M=builtins P=set_debugging_state A=1 PT=0  
N=27 NN=28 M=sio P=rt_err A=7 PT=0  
N=28 NN=35 M=sio P=stream_error A=1 PT=0  
N=35 NN=59 M=builtins P=dbg_nospy A=3 PT=1  
N=59 NN=60 M=sio P=output_stream_or_alias_ok A=2 PT=0  
N=60 NN=61 M=sio P=write_term A=2 PT=0  
N=61 NN=67 M=sio P=write_term A=3 PT=0  
N=67 NN=68 M=builtins P=$c_examine A=2 PT=1  
N=68 NN=69 M=builtins P=?semi_1559612662_99 A=3 PT=0  
N=69 NN=91 M=builtins P=make_prompts A=4 PT=0  
N=91 NN=92 M=sio P=rt_err_print A=4 PT=0  
N=92 NN=99 M=sio P=assign_alias A=2 PT=0  
N=99 NN=100 M=builtins P=$c_set A=2 PT=1  
............. etc .............  
N=16347 NN=16355 M=sio P=stream_or_alias_error A=2 PT=0  
N=16355 NN=16356 M=builtins P=dbg_spyoff A=0 PT=1  
N=16356 NN=16357 M=builtins P=send A=2 PT=1  
N=16357 NN=16358 M=builtins P=send A=3 PT=0  
N=16358 NN=16379 M=builtins P=get_debugging_state A=1 PT=0  
N=16379 NN=16380 M=sio P=ide_rt_err A=7 PT=0  
Load this code:  
module m1.  
export p/1.  
p(X) :- X = a.  

module m2.  
use m1.  
export q/1.  
q(X) :- p(X).  
?- '$exported_proc'(m1,p,1).

?- '$exported_proc'(m1,h,1).


?- '$resolve_module'(m2, p, 1, ResMod).

