
Module: builtins

columns/1 — Output ListOfRows as a minimal columnar array of terms
columns/2 — Like columns/1, outputting to a given stream
columns/3 — Output ListOfRows as a columnized rectangular array of terms



columns(ListOfRows, OutputStream)

columns(ListOfRows, ColWidths, OutputStream)


columns/1 If ListOfRows is a list of lists of terms (Rows), and if all of the Rows are of the same length, outputs a rectangular array of the terms appearing in the Rows to user_output. The array is split into columns of minimal size to contain the appropriate terms, with one character wide blank separators.
If any row R is surrounded by u(R, 0’C), where C is any single character, then the output of row R is followed (below) by a line of the character C. Surrounding R by u(R) is equivalent to surrounding it by u(R, 0’=).

columns/2 If ListOfRows is a list of lists of terms (Rows), and if all of the Rows are of the same length, outputs a rectangular array of the terms appearing in the Rows to OutputStream. The array is split into columns of minimal size to contain the appropriate terms, with one character wide blank separators.
Note: if arg(2) is passed a list of integers(ColWidths), then
columns(ListOfRows, ColsWidths user_output) is invoked.
Surrounding rows by u(R,0’) and u(R) is just as for columns/1.

columns/3 If ListOfRows is a list of lists of terms (Rows), and if all of the Rows are of the same length, and if ColWidths is a list of positive integers of the same length as the common length as the individual lists in ListOfRows, outputs a rectangular array of the terms appearing in the Rows to OutputStream. The array is split into columns of the size of the corresponding integer of ColWidths, with one character-wide blank separators. Terms in Rows which are of size > the corresponding integer of ColWidths are trucated.
Surrounding rows by u(R,0’) and u(R) is just as for columns/1.



?- listing(silly_list).

% user:silly_list/1

?- listing(t1).
% user:t1/0
t1 :- silly_list(ListOfRows), columns(ListOfRows).

?- t1.
abc    rjtir     x                         y     
yrtbv  h8t       x                         yacc  
34     f(4,5,6)  some_silly(55,yurht,123)  thru  

?- listing(t1h2).
% user:t1h2/0
t1h2 :- silly_list(ListOfRows), ListOfRows = [Header|Rest], 

?- t1h2.
abc    rjtir     x                         y     
___    _____     _                         _     
yrtbv  h8t       x                         yacc  
34     f(4,5,6)  some_silly(55,yurht,123)  thru  	

?- listing(city_table).

% user:city_table/1
[New York,loc(23,35),20.1],
[Paris,loc(167,132),9.4] ]).

?- listing(cities).
% user:cities/0
cities :- city_table(_A), columns(_A).

?- cities.
city      location      population  
New York  loc(23,35)    20.1        
Tokyo     loc(23,45)    15.3        
Paris     loc(167,132)  9.4       

?- listing(city_town_table).
% user:city_town_table/1
[New York,loc(40,74),8.6],
[Silver City,loc(32,108),0.01],
[Faro,loc(62,133),0.000344] ]).

?- listing(cities_towns).
% user:cities_towns/0
cities_towns :- city_town_table(_A), columns(_A).

?- cities_towns.
City         Location     Population  
====         ========     ==========  
Tokyo        loc(35,139)  9.3         
New York     loc(40,74)   8.6         
Paris        loc(48,24)   2.1         
_____        __________   ____        
Silver City  loc(32,108)  0.000344    
Faro         loc(62,133)  0.01        


?- listing(t2).
% user:t2/0
t2 :- silly_list(ListOfRows), columns(ListOfRows,[5,5,5,5]).

?- t2.
abc   rjtir x     y     
yrtbv h8t   x     yacc  
34    f(4,5 some_ thru  

?- listing(t2h).
% user:t2h/0
t2h :-  silly_list(ListOfRows),

?- t2h.
apple orang banan kiwi  
===== ===== ===== ===== 
abc   rjtir x     y     
yrtbv h8t   x     yacc  
34    f(4,5 some_ thru