
Module: builtins

asplit/4 — divides an atom as determined by a character
head/4 — splits an list into segments determined by a character code
head0/4 — splits a character code list into segments determined by a code
asplit00/4 — divides a list of character codes as det. by a list of char codes
make_lc/2 — converts a Prolog string to all lowercase character (codes)
make_uc/2 — converts a Prolog string to all uppercase character (codes)
make_lc_sym/2 — converts an atom or UIA to all lowercase characters
make_uc_sym/2 — converts an atom or UIA to all uppercase characters
convert_to_uc/2 — converts all items in a list of terms to uppercase
same_uc/2 — Term1,Term2 unify after converting all characters to upper case
change_case_sym/2 — converts the case of characters in a symbol, based on the first
string_to_uia/2 — creates a UIA corresponding to an arbitrary string
string_to_uia/3 — insert list of char (codes) into a UIA
string_to_sized_uia/3 — creates a UIA containing chars corresponding to a string
atomic_to_uia/2 — create a UIA corresponding to an atomic item
cnvrt_to_UIA/2 — create a UIA corresponding to an arbitrary term
truncate/3 — creates a UIA truncating the input expression
strip_white/2 — strips leading white space from a string
strip_tail_white/2 — strips trailing white space from a string
strip_both_white/2 — strips leading and trailing white space chars from a string
strip_both_white_atom/2 — strips leading and trailing white space chars from a prolog atom
read_to/5 — splits a string according to one of several possible chars
read_to_blank/3 — splits a string around the leftmost occurrence of blank
char_in/3 — Locates the position of a character in an atom.
replace_char_string/4 — Replace occurrences of a char in a string by another char
replace_char_atom/4 — Replace occurrences of a char in an atom by another char






make_lc(Cs, LCs)

make_uc(Cs, UCs)

make_lc_sym(InSym, LCSym)

make_uc_sym(InSym, UCSym)

convert_to_uc(Items, UCItems)

same_uc(Term1, Term2)

change_case_sym(InSym, OutSym)

string_to_uia(String, UIA)

string_to_uia(Chars, Pos, UIA)

string_to_sized_uia(Size, Chars, UIA)

atomic_to_uia(Atom, UIABuf)

cnvrt_to_UIA(Term, UIABuf)

truncate(InField, MaxSize, OutField)

strip_white(String, Result)

strip_tail_white(String, Result)

strip_both_white(String, Result)

strip_both_white_atom(Atom, ResultAtom)

read_to(Chars, Stoppers, Head, Tail,Stopper)

read_to_blank(Chars, Head, Tail)

char_in(Atom, Char, Pos)

replace_char_string(InString, OrigCharNum, NewCharNum, OutString)

replace_char_atom(AtomIn, OrigCharNum, NewCharNum, AtomOut)


asplit/4 If Atom is any atom or UIA, and if Splitter is the character code of of a character, then, if the character with code Splitter occurs in Atom, LeftPart is an atom consisting of that part of Atom from the left up to but not including the leftmost occurrence of the character with code Splitter, and RightPart is the atom consisting of that part of Atom extending from immediately after the occurrence of the character with code Splitter, to the end of Atom.

head/4 If Atom is a list of character codes, splits Atom into Head and Tail similar to the way asplit would for the list of chars,, using the leftmost occurrence of Splitter. On successive retrys, uses the succeeding occurrences of Splitter in Tail as the split point.

head0/4 If List is a list of character codes, splits List into Head and tail the way asplit0 would, using the leftmost occurrence of Splitter. On successive retrys, uses the succeeding occurrences of Spliter in Tail as the split point, effectively breaking List into segments determined by Splitter.

asplit00/4 If String and SplitList are both lists of character codes, and if any code on SplitList also occurs on String, then LeftPartCs consists of all those codes of String up to, but not including, the leftmost occurrence of any code CS on SplitList, and RightPartCs consist of all codes on String following CS.

make_lc/2 If Cs is a list of character codes, then LCs is the list of codes corresponding to Cs, with every uppercase code converted to the corresponding lowercase code.

make_uc/2 If Cs is a list of character codes, then UCs is the list of codes corresponding to Cs, with every lowercase code converted to the corresponding uppercase code.

make_lc_sym/2 If InSym is a symbol, then LCSym is that symbol consisting of the same characters, in order, as InSym, except that all uppercase symbols will have been converted to lowercase.

make_uc_sym/2 If InSym is a symbol, then UCSym is that symbol consisting of the same characters, in order, as InSym, except that all lowercase symbols will have been converted to uppercase.

convert_to_uc/2 If Items is a list of terms including atoms, numbers and compound terms, then UCItems will be the corresponding list, in order, of terms where atoms are converted to uppercase (make_uc is applied), numbers and variables are left unchanged, and for any compound term, it’s functor and args are are converted by recursively applying convert_to_uc.

same_uc/2 Applies convert_to_uc/2 to both Term1,Term2, and tests whether the results unify.

change_case_sym/2 Changes the case of characters in a symbol InSym as follows:
a) If the first character of InSym is lowercase, applies make_uc to change all characters of InSym to uppercase;
b) If the first character of InSym is uppercase, applies make_lc to change all characters of InSym to lowercase.

string_to_uia/2 Given a String of arbitrary characters, UIA will be a uia containing exactly the same characters, in order.

string_to_uia/3 If Chars is a list of character codes of length L, if UIA is a uia, if Pos is a positive integer =< length(UIA), then: This predicate attempts to inserts the characters (in order) corresponding to Chars into UIA beginning at position Pos (counting from 0 at the beginning of UIA). This succeeds if length(UIA) - Pos >= L. If length(UIA) - Pos < L, thisfails; however, note that this call will have descructively modified UIA to insert the first length(UIA) - Pos Chars.

string_to_sized_uia/3 If Size is an integer, and if Chars is a list of character codes, then:
a) if Size >= length(Chars), allocates a (new) UIA and copies Chars into UIA starting at position 0.
b) if Size < length(Chars), fails.

atomic_to_uia/2 Allocates a new UIA buffer UIABuf of smallest allowed size greater than length(Atom), and copies Atom into UIABuf beginning at position 0.

cnvrt_to_UIA/2 If term_codes(Term, Codes) holds, then allocates allocates a new UIA buffer UIABuf of smallest allowed size >= length(Codes) and copies Codes into UIABuf begninning at position 0.

truncate/3 Obtains the list of character codes corresponding to the input expression, truncates that list at MaxSize, allocates a UIA of that size, and copies the list of character codes into that UIA.

strip_white/2 Removes all leading whitespace chars (space, tab) from the input String to produce Result.

strip_tail_white/2 Removes all trailing whitespace chars (space, tab) from the input String to produce Result.

strip_both_white/2 Removes all leading and trailing whitespace chars (space, tab) from the input String to produce Result.

strip_both_white_atom/2 Removes all leading and trailing whitespace chars (space, tab) that occur in the input symbol.

read_to/5 If:
Chars is a prolog string;
Stoppers is a list of codes of chars and if intersect(Chars,Stoppers) = [],
Stopper is the element of Stopper with leftmost occurrence in Chars,
Head is the portion of Chars to the left of the occurrence of Stopper,
Tail is the portion of Chars to the right of the occurrence of Stopper.

read_to_blank/3 If:
Chars is a prolog string containing at least one blank,
Head is the portion of Chars to the left of the first occurrence of a blank, and
Tail is the portion of Chars to the right of the first occurrence of a blank

char_in/3 If Atom is an atom, and Char is a quoted character, then:
a) If Char occurs in atom, then Pos is the position of the leftmost occurrence of Char, counting from 1.
b) Fails if Char does not occur in Atom.

replace_char_string/4 Creates OutString by replacing all occurrences (possibly zero) of OrigCharNum in InString by NewCharNum.

replace_char_atom/4 Creates AtomOut by replacing all occurrences (possibly zero) of OrigCharNum in AtomIn by NewCharNum.